torsdag 2 maj 2013


One common thing to wonder when speaking about a new country would be their culture and their values. And I am going to try to explain our values, in other words, what we believe would be right and wrong. Now this is actually one of the hardest things to pinpoint in Sweden. Ask a politician and even there you will have a hard time trying to understand his/her point. Research it how much you want, you probably won’t find one truth.

The reason is actually pretty simple. The ‘‘Swedish’’ people or society you could say, is mostly based of our own individuality. We are allowed to be free so to speak. Everyone goes by their own thoughts. No one that I personally have asked the question: What would you considered to be Swedish values. Has ever answered me straight up and said anything that could be considered equal to the rest. 

Except some few things. Democracy, laws and freedom. Out of the people I have asked it has always been the same. I have wondered about peoples views on death sentence and abortion. However there haven’t been a true unity of minds. Which would explain why we value the word freedom to such an extent. What we hold dear are out own thoughts and freedom to express them. I haven’t met anyone saying restrictions is allowed or needed. 

Values of a country or society is created by it’s population.

Sweden can without a doubt be counted as a multicultural society. Everyone is being a part of it, shaping it, and helping it grow. It would be easy to say that our population are all based upon equality and we strive for it, since we are all shaping it. However that would be a big mistake. Not everyone in this world can be counted as generous, some are greedy by nature.

We may be a very socialistic country, but we live an individual life. Logic is important. We are seen as cowards of confrontation. We stick to ourselves a lot. But as I said, Logic is important. The proof lies in our laws as pointed earlier.

What we believe to be right, or rather what we are raised to believe is none other than the law. Democracy puts the laws under pressure. Controls it so to speak. It is also our tool to express our emotions to our society. Most questions are answered through the use of the law. It is our backbone. Divorce for example is counted as immoral in various countries. However it is accepted as normal here. There aren’t any laws that disapprove after all. 

We change based on how the law changes. Laws concerning children is one great example of this. The child convention, one thing we are raised into following. However before the convention, there were quite a big difference.

This might be a little bit hard to follow, so I’m going to do a summarize. Our values, are based on the possibilities we are allowed from the law. Law equals logic, logic equals safety. We are raised to think for ourselves and put our individuality as our first priority.

These are my findings on the Swedish values, I have been unable to find out the ‘‘truth’’ of it all. Never have I seen a text or spoken with someone that can give a clear picture of our beliefs. Everything I have found though has been how we need to work to achieve an identity. Identities are the keyword of our souls. 

I hope you were able to grasp my message and enjoyed the text.


1 kommentar:

  1. I found this article very interesting. It gives a fair view on the Swedish values and how your society, as a whole, is, generally speaking.

    What confuses me a bit is your over-emphasis on the law aspect. I'm not sure if that's more like your point or view or from the Swedish society in general.

    You mention "the law" as an immutable entity which controls you all. "We change as the law changes", you say. But you also mention democratic, free speech and liberty values...

    You see, I don't see the law as something you should put on the highest pedestal. I see the law more as a tool to express what the population wants. It's not us that should change as the law changes, but the law that should change as we change.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to criticise your country or anything. We've got a pretty corrupt democratic system in Spain, and the current government is able to do whatever they want during the full legislation because the majority of people voted them, even if most of them now regret it and even if the choices they're doing are just destroying us...

    But I wouldn't be comfortable with thinking that we should just adhere to the law and that it's the "force" that controls us all, without questions.

    As Thomas Jefferson said: "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., securing inherent and inalienable rights, with powers derived from the consent of the governed], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

    We need a bit of rebellious thinking. The law isn't everything. We are.

    Another thing which scares me a bit about your mentality is the whole individualisation aspect. While I agree some individualisation is better for ourselves and our happiness, we also need a bit of collectivism. We need to be together, friends, family, people in need, etc. to be able to solve our issues together. We can't do everything by ourselves, we need external help!

    I apologise if I sounded a bit negative or agressive, though. I really liked your article, I just wanted to offer a bit of insight and some counter-points based on what I think.

    I agree with pretty much everything else. I also really respect and enjoy freedom of speech, liberty and democracy (albeit a non-corrupt one, unlike Spain's).

    Thanks for this.

    Abel Toy.
