fredag 26 april 2013

Divorce, child allowance and parental leave.

Hi there people! 

We are going to tell you a little about how we in Sweden think about divorces, child allowance and parental leave. 
We hope you'll enjoy it! 

In Sweden about 40 000 couples a year get married and 20 000 couples get a divorce. And with those numbers Sweden is the country with the most divorces in the world, according to the population. It’s also very common that people get a divorce just a few years after the wedding. But for the most of the time, the marriage lasts longer than that. 
Over all, getting a divorce is not really a big deal, since divorcing is pretty common. If someone get a divorce it’s not like you get surprised. Of course people think it’s sad when it happens and most of the time they give their very best support. 
We in sweden have, how to say, a free view of divorces. That kind of means that we don’t judge people to hard for getting a divorce. In many other countries in the world, you might  be separated from your family. But here, it is accepted to be in a divorce.
People how get divorce in a early age, often get remarried with a new partner.

Child allowance
By law every family with children have the right to get what we call ”child allowance”, every month. That meens that for every child you have you get 1050 sek. If you have more than 2 children you also get some extra money, for being able to take care of them and give them what the need. You get this grant until your child turn 16. When the children turn 16 it is no longer called child allowance but a ”study grant”. This grant you get as long as you go to school but no longer after you graduate from high school. If you doesn’t go to school, you want get the grant for that month.

Parental leave
If you give birth to a child in sweden you get parental leave. 

By law you have the right to take out parental leave when the baby is born. Both mothers and fathers can take parental leave. You have the right to take out 480 days of parental leave,60 days are reserved for each of the parents. A father or the other parent has the right to 10 days with compensation when a baby is born. You also have the right to work shorter days as long as you have children who are under 8 years or the child has completed the first year of school. 

Elin and Tanja 

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